Regional Immigration Programme

Link: Regional Immigration Programme 2021-2025 (in Finnish)

According to Finnish population forecasts, the populations of Finnish regions are decreasing dramatically, accelerated by falling birth rates. This is a challenge for the regions. The decrease as such is not a problem. There will be problems if the proportion of young people constantly remains lower than that of older people. Even now, many companies in the region have difficulties finding competent employees. Päijät-Häme needs an increase in work- and education-based immigration to establish a sustainable age structure in the region, and it needs a working-age population to keep business life and society going.

Päijät-Häme immigration programme

Päijät-Häme has new Regional Immigration Programme for 2021–2025. In addition to the municipalities of Päijät-Häme, the programme covers Myrskylä and Pukkila. According to law, each municipality must prepare an integration programme. The municipalities may decide to use the Päijät-Häme immigration programme as their integration programme.

The Regional Council of Päijät-Häme was leading the preparation of the new programme. The work was carried out in extensive co-operation with the region’s municipalities, educational institutions, the Employment and Economic Development Office, the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, the Welfare District, the church and the entrepreneurs association. The views of other stakeholders and immigrants were also taken into account in the preparation work.

In February 2020, the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme and Häme Chamber of Commerce arranged a major workshop relating to the preparation of the immigration programme: Mistä työvoimaa Päijät-Hämeeseen? (‘How to find a workforce for Päijät-Häme’) The event was arranged at the Palvelutori Service Centre in Lahti. A full house of experts discussed questions related to the employment of immigrants. The program was approved by the Regional Council in February 2021.

Regional Integration Service Point (Alipi) provides information, guidance and consultation in matters related to immigration to immigrants, authorities, employers. More information


For more information

Saila Juntunen
Head of Well-being
+358 44 077 3002

Tarja Parviainen
Municipality Cooperation on Manager
+358 44 077 3431