CCRI Pilot Group and Fellows: Apply to lead Europe's circular economy  transition! Deadline extended! | European Circular Economy Stakeholder  Platform

The Circular Economy Forerunner project implements the EU’s Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) in the Päijät-Häme region (known also as Lahti region), CCRI is a development program aimed at regions and cities.

Out of more than a 100 applicants, 37 CCRI Pilots (p) and Fellows (f) were selected. The selected regions and cities cover 18 countries: 13 in Western Europe, 11 in Northern Europe, 9 in Southern Europe and 4 in Eastern and Central Europe. 24 regions represent large or very large counties or cities and 13 smaller regions.

From Finland, in addition to Päijät-Häme (f), Uusimaa (p), Pirkanmaa (p) and the city of Jyväskylä (f) were selected for the program. The selected regions will work closely with the CCRI Coordination and Support Office and with each other to lead the transition of Europe’s circular economy. Funding can be obtained for the implementation, e.g. from the Horizon Europe program, but also partnerships may come across with the OECD and the European Investment Bank. It is a big deal for the city of Lahti, other municipalities and companies like Salpakierto, to be with the best at the forefront of development. Being part of CCRI supports the climate work of Lahti’s EU 100 Mission. Lahti and Päijät-Häme are also involved in the national voluntary green deal commitment promoting circular economy.

The goal of the project is to get the greatest possible benefit from CCRI’s membership for Päijät-Häme and take Päijät-Häme’s circular economy know-how to the next level.

The project will be organized both regionally and nationally by setting up the coordination, networks and stakeholders required by the CCRI. In addition, we participate in other regional circular economy initiatives, such as the national circular economy green deal. The project utilizes CCRI’s knowledge base on a regional basis, e.g. the circular economy and climate action road map will be updated, the knowledge base of the circular economy will be developed, and the competence limitations of the circular economy and interesting themes will be mapped. Moreover, the project will start gathering international project consortia and ideas.

As a result of the project, CCRI’s network and know-how have been made available, circular economy has been developed in Päijät-Häme and new funding has been found. Päijät-Häme continues to be a pioneering region in the circular economy and to further improve its position. Cooperation with the leading regions of the circular economy in Europe develops the expertise of the region’s operators and keeps them at the forefront of development. This offers new opportunities for business development and thereby creating jobs.


Katerina Medkova
CCRI project manager
tel. 044 493 8131

Riika Kivelä
regional development manager

Juha Hertsi
development director

More about CCRI EU iniative