
Lead partner:
Regional Council of Ostrobothnia


Interreg Baltic Sea Region

€1.6 million

The LARS project helps to find solutions to tackle the fragmentation of regional systems of innovation by making entrepreneurial discoveries related to such topics as the bio and circular economy, advanced production methods and technologies for energy efficiency.

The global value chains and the increased sophistication of production constitute a large challenge for regional development efforts. There is a need to learn about and upgrade the level of policy interventions. Regional innovation systems are different but regional actors may learn from each other through a process of transnational learning and exploiting complementarities.

LARS attempts to help the public sector lead smart specialisation processes in their regions and link up innovation networks across regions.

In Päijät-Häme, Grain Cluster innovation processes and related co-operation between different actors are studied.

The project will be implemented in six steps:

  1. Mapping of strategies in order to select the final intervention areas;
  2. Triple-helix gap analysis, with the purpose of finding deficiencies and also good cases of innovation network functioning;
  3. Matching partners in the transfer network based on ‘good’ and ‘bad’ practices;
  4. Learning from the transfers – essentially innovation context analysis;
  5. Piloting new activities in the regions with the purpose of improving innovation networks;
  6. Communicating the findings with a view on the wider implications of the project.

For further information

Riika Kivelä
Project Manager
+358 44 371 9454